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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Two of the recent pens

Back home for a short leave. Made these two pens out of  polyresin blanks, trade name Woodshed. The material is very good and accept s high quality polish. Hope you like the design. Welcome your comments.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Two ebonite pens made recently.

The Design came to my mind for a pair of short and stubby pens with parallel body and rounded ends. Also the cap and barrel to be flush. This is what I drew up ( first image) and these are the pens made in ebonite. Kanwrite 35 mm nib unit s used. Last photo is comparison of size with a Parker IM pen. Hope you like the designs . Welcome your comments.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Pens made in the last six weeks on board my ship.

Dear viewers, good day to all. I am on the ship for the last six weeks and practically cut off from internet except sometimes during port stay. Following are the photos of the pens I made while on the ship. I do this work during my rest hours and so not possible to make many pens like professional pen turner's. Nevertheless I am happy to show all these.