Thursday, 27 November 2014

I had been asking Mr. Riyaz Ali of Calcutta Pen Hospital for spare nibs and feeders. Finally he could find time to sort out old junk pens to retrieve various parts and gave me a call. From what was sorted out I picked up some very dirty old pens which are otherwise complete. Also found some nibs and feeders. This is how the 38 pieces of dirty pens look! Most of these were not even inked, a few have the plastic turned brittle and a few have their barrel gone slightly bent due to standing in the shelf for very long.



I spent one evening cleaning and polishing up these pens. These are mostly various models of Wilson, Artex and Swan and couple of unknown brands. This how the pens look after cleaning. Most have brand new nibs, not yet ink tested any. One or two pens have the ink sac wasted away, but most pens are good condition. One or two pen have nib damage- extra work!

This pick makes me very happy as this shows a period of Indian pens in the sixties to seventies, particularly what used to be commonly available in the Kolkata side. Later I would post individual photos.

I am sharing these for the viewers who particularly like old Indian pens.



1 comment:

  1. Hello Sir, that is a very nice collection of vintage Indian pens.I too am searching for these. Sir live in the south;Do you know of any place where I would be fortunate to pick some (5-6) of these, mainly like swan or other older British and Indian makes. (Do you have any more of these NOSs? I would like to have one (preferably
    self fills).)

    Thank You for this post.
