Sunday, 15 December 2013

Over & Under Shotgun Kit Pen- Revisit.

Over & Under Shotgun Kit Pen- Revisit.

I had detailed about this shotgun  kit pen earlier in this link :
Still do not understand why this kit is called Over & Under!
Most  other  pens I have seen  made on this hardware come in two colours , different for the barrel and the cap. But I had chosen same colour for the barrel and cap. Actually this material is not wood but bamboo.  I took an old sledge hammer handle piece and machined the blank out of it- a piece of scrap on board ship that would have been incinerated anyway!

The  finish used on this pen was 6 to 7 coats of CA after graded sanding and later finishing the CA with grit 600, 1200 and final buffing using all eight grades of micromesh stick finally upto grit 12000. After all that done the pen does not look very impressive to me, but is a hot favourite with my daughter- how widely person to person likings differ!  The pen body however has a very smooth tactile feel.

The writing experience with this pen is good but the pen is a bit too large for my hands , particularly after posting the top heavy cap. I would wish the section was made curved rather than parallel. However I am sure many others like this pen. The original nib was very smooth, but this pen had fallen down on the tip and got damaged. Since then it has taken me too long to go through cycles of repair, grinding and smoothing. Finally now the pen writes good again. But the damage has created small corrosion areas near the tip of the nib [ please see the macro shot].

Though personally this is not my most liked writing instrument, I like this pen for the impressive looks of it. I was fun to inspect this pen after a few months.
Pasted here is a handwriting sample and some recent photos of this pen.


Look the back of the nib-small pitting corrosion marks, these appeared after the damage repair!

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